The Slovenian Biochemical Society

Mission & Vision

The mission and vision of the Slovenian Biochemical Society is promotion of education, exchange of views and information in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology, as well as to act as facilitator of contacts among researchers in the field, supporting applications in medicine and industry. Furthermore, we spread information on achievements in biochemistry and molecular biology among the general public.

Key Activities

Our activities and offers include:

  • Biennial scientific meetings with international participation
  • Best poster awards
  • Trade exhibition
  • Annually travel awards for junior members
  • Terminology commission working on a web dictionary of biochemical terms.
  • Our education committee is currently finishing translation of a biochemistry textbook
  • E-mailing list for exchange of information
  • Regularly updated web page
  • Society lectures all year round


The Slovenian Biochemical Society was established in 1983 (before as a section within Slovenian Chemical Society), and became a member of FEBS in 1992 (initially as a member of the Federation of Yugoslav Biochemical Societies).


The Society has 450 members (2018). Membership is limited to Slovenian biochemists and molecular biologists or foreigners working in Slovenia; citizens of other countries have to be proposed for membership by two Society members.


Prof. Roman Jerala (President and FEBS Member Society Representative)
National Institute of Chemistry
Prof. Aljoša Bavec (Secretary)
University of Ljubljana
Ljubljana, Slovenia

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