The Latvian Biochemical Society

Mission & Vision

The mission of the Latvian Biochemical Society (LaBS) is to unite researchers from Latvia who are performing their scientific investigations within biochemistry and related fields. The main activities of LaBS are aimed at promoting fundamental studies, facilitating applications of research results, and contributing to the professional growth of young scientists.

Key Activities

  • Organization of local meetings
  • Collaboration with other local and international scientific organizations


The Latvian Biochemical Society was established in 1958. It joined FEBS in 1991.


Currently, LaBS has 140 members. Most are employed by the Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre; other members are from the University of Latvia, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis and a few other research institutions, and there are also some scientists not resident in Latvia.


Prof. Kaspars Tars (President)
Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre
Riga, Latvia