Mission & Vision
The mission of the ABMB in B&H is aimed at developing and ensuring high standards of education in the area of biochemistry, molecular biology and other related biomedical and natural sciences at all educational levels, with particular attention on lifelong learning. This is planned to be achieved through bringing together researchers in scientific and expert fields of biomedical and pure sciences with a biochemical and molecular biology orientation as well as other molecular science disciplines. Their collaborative work could be of particular importance in promotion of future research initiatives, especially in projects related to human health protection and environment protection.
Key Activities
Details will be added in due course.
Members of the ABMB in B&H are eligible for consideration for support for participation in FEBS events, through schemes such as the FEBS Congress Bursaries, FEBS Congress Hinari B scheme, FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum, and FEBS Youth Travel Fund grants for Advanced Courses.
The association was formed on the basis of the Decision on establishment, which was voted on May 31, 2013. Registration of the ‘Association of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists in Bosnia and Herzegovina’ was finalized by a Decree of Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry of Justice on March 24, 2015. On July 9, 2015 at its meeting in Berlin, the FEBS Council unanimously approved the application of the ABMB in B&H as an Associate Member of FEBS, and the inauguration of the Association took place on September 3–4, 2015 within the program of the Sarajevo Workshop on Molecular Life Sciences Education. On December 6, 2015, the Annual Meeting of the ABMB in B&H Assembly was held. The ABMB in B&H officially became an Associate Member of FEBS on January 1, 2016 and was elected to a Full Member of FEBS from January 1, 2018.
ABMB in B&H currently has 100 members (December 2018). The great majority of members come from different universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Prof. Emina Kiseljaković (President)
Asst. Prof. Belma Pehlivanovic Kelle (Secretary)
University of Sarajevo
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina