The Biomolecular Horizons 2024 (BMH2024) Congress, to be held in Melbourne, Australia from 22–26 September 2024, is bringing together congresses of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB), the Federation of Asian & Oceanian Biochemists & Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB) and ComBio (an event series for life sciences Societies of Australia and New Zealand). It will be preceded by a Young Scientists Program (YSP) in the Macedon Ranges, Australia, 20–22 September 2024, for about 35 PhD candidates and early-career researchers (<10 years post-PhD) for a 2-day scientific and networking program.
FEBS is pleased to announce it will be sponsoring the participation of two outstanding PhD students or postdoctoral researchers from FEBS countries to attend both the YSP and BMH2024. The FEBS sponsorship will support registration and accommodation costs for both events as set out for other YSP participants here, and up to 80% of travel costs (to a maximum of €1400).
Candidates for this FEBS sponsorship must be members of a FEBS Constituent Society. Full eligibility criteria are given at https://www.bmh2024.com/young-scientist-program, and to apply for the FEBS support you must follow the application instructions as set out on this page for other YSP candidates. The selection of candidates for FEBS sponsorship will be carried out by the FEBS Careers of Young Scientists Committee.
Application deadline: 29 February 2024