For the 47th FEBS Congress in Tours in July 2023, the Science and Society Committee organized the Science in the Street event ‘Nutrition and exercise as important factors for the proper function of the biochemical metabolism’ (read more about the event on this FEBS Network post). The focus of this event was on how nutrition and exercise impact metabolism, general public health and quality of life, and on explaining the purpose of the relevant research to a wide audience.
The committee would like to build on this and reach a wider audience and to this end here announces a call for proposals from FEBS Constituent Societies to run a ‘science and society’ event or activity in 2024 under the same theme.
The exact format of the event/activity is up to the organizing Society, and the committee would like to support a range of activities from speaker events to educational activities, including for public engagement on this issue. Up to €1500 is available from FEBS to support this event/activity. Events or activities which involve more than one FEBS Constituent Society or which enable the sharing of an activity across FEBS Constituent Societies are encouraged.
Societies who wish to apply should check further details here and submit a 1-page (A4) outline of their event/activity along with the proposed budget by 31 December 2023 (extended deadline) to Dr Melita Vidakovic of the FEBS Science and Society Committee at [email protected]