The Milan Declaration on the Crucial Role of Science in meeting Global Challenges

The Milan Declaration on the Crucial Role of Science in meeting Global Challenges stresses the importance of Science and Scientific Research in providing coordinated solutions to global problems and challenges. The Declaration was developed during the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) in Milan on June 29, 2024, by the undersigned organizations’ representatives.


We agree that emphasizing the crucial role of Science in the evolving geopolitical  landscape and developments is of utmost importance.

The various global challenges encountered by all countries necessitate prioritizing a seamless and genuine global scientific collaboration that is devoid of bias and prejudice. There is an increasing urgency to strengthen Science ethically and financially and to reaffirm our dedication to enduring values such as peace, freedom, security, human dignity, sustainable development, environmental protection, scientific and technological progress, as well as the fight against social exclusion and discrimination.

Science provides the necessary framework for breakthroughs not only in basic research but also in medicine and health care, ecological conservation, sustainable food production, advancements in technology, digital transformation, and digitalization, thereby driving economic growth and societal well-being. By leveraging scientific advancements, we can address pressing challenges such as health and socioeconomic disparities, understanding of healthy aging, demographic problems and safety at work, disease and new diseases, environmental sustainability, pollution, food security and biosafety, and sustainability of natural resources.

Science plays a crucial role in not only advancing knowledge, technologies, and innovation, but also in fostering self-sufficiency, self-sustainability, and worldwide prosperity through scientific research, mobility of researchers and professionals, knowledge diffusion, and networking, ultimately contributing to a brighter future by nurturing diversity, culture, creativity, and a more inclusive global society.

We thus urge global leaders and policymakers to:

1. Unite with us in our dedication to fostering and enhancing Science as a cornerstone of global collaboration and strengthening civil society’s engagement and trust in Science.
2. Increase investments in excellence in Science, researchers’ mobility, diversity, and inclusion.
3. Facilitate the dialogue between scientific disciplines, encourage the emergence of new scientific fields, and, ultimately, attract young people to Science.
4. Promote the widespread support for freedom of scientific enquiry, collaboration, openness, equity, ethics, and Science communication.

We encourage all individuals, organizations, educational institutions, and other entities interested in emphasizing Science’s crucial role in evolving global developments and the transformative power of Science, to sign the Milan Declaration on the Crucial Role of Science in meeting Global Challenges.”


The undersigned organizations’ representatives:

Miguel A. De la Rosa – FEBS Secretary General – Federation of European Biochemical Societies

Alexandra Newton – IUBMB President – International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Joon Kim – FAOBMB President – Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists

Lawal Bilbis – FASBMB President – Federation of African Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

José Sotelo – PABMB Chairman – Pan-American Association for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

2139 Signatures
20 people signed today

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  • I am the person whose name is entered above.
  • If I am signing on behalf of my organization, I confirm that I have the authority to do so and I give my consent to FEBS for my organization’s name and country to be publicly displayed.
  • If I am signing on behalf of myself as an individual, I authorise FEBS to publicly display my name, the roles under which I’m signing the Declaration or affiliation, and/or country as a signer of Milan Declaration on the Crucial Role of Science in meeting Global Challenges.​

We have already signed

Individuals (2045) Organizations (94)
Pierre Agostini Nobel Prize in Physics/2023
Frances Arnold Nobel Prize in Chemistry/2018
Barry Barish Nobel Prize in Physics/2017
Françoise Barré-Sinoussi Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine/2007
Carolyn Bertozzi Nobel Prize in Chemistry/2021
Elizabeth Blackburn Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine/2009
Mario Capecchi Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine/2007
Thomas Cech Nobel prize in Chemistry/1989
Steven Chu Nobel prize in Physics/1997
Aaron Ciechanover Nobel prize in Chemistry/2004
Johann Deisenhofer Nobel prize in Chemistry/1988
Jennifer Doudna Nobel Prize in Chemistry/2020
Andrew Fire Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine/2006
Joachim Frank Nobel Prize in Chemistry/2017
Richard Henderson Nobel Prize in Chemistry/2017
Avram Hershko Nobel Prize in Chemistry/2004
Geoffrey Hinton Nobel Prize in Physics/2024
Gerard’t Hooft Nobel Prize in Physics/1999
Robert Huber Nobel Prize in Chemistry/1988
Louis Ignarro Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine/1998

Why I signed

The principles outlined in the Milan Declaration are crucial for fostering open, transparent, and ethically responsible science. In a time when research integrity and the sharing of knowledge are more important than ever, it is essential to support such initiatives. The Declaration embodies the values we, as scientists, should uphold in order to strengthen public trust in our work and to promote sustainable scientific progress. I will gladly share the initiative and hope that many colleagues will also join in supporting the Milan Declaration.

Ferenc Krausz Nobel Prize in Physics, 2023
Joachim Frank

Humanity faces a daunting crisis of its own making, which threatens its very survival on this planet, along with the extinction of thousands of species that took hundreds of millions to evolve: Global Warming, global pollution, destruction of habitats, ensuing famines, mass migrations, and pandemics, and the existence of a nuclear arsenal sufficient to destroy civilization as we know it. The only way to address this unprecedented situation and find technical, ethically defensible solutions is by a concerted effort of the scientific community worldwide. Scientists should use their influence to advise and inform governments, educate the public, especially at a young age, and protect the planet from further man-made damage.

Joachim Frank Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2017
Edvard Ingjald Moser

I signed because it is more important than ever to remind decision-makers that science provides the solutions to all major challenges in our society. Science got us out of the COVID pandemic and is the basis for all medical treatment, for instance. But major challenges lack solutions: whether it is about preventing Alzheimer or the next pandemic, securing food for everyone, or stopping global warming. These big challenges are global and require global collaborative investment in science.

Edvard Ingjald Moser Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 2014

I signed because I believe in science. All organisms explore and are curious to increase survival. Science is based on curiosity and therefore science is sustainable and prepares us for the unknown.

May-Britt Moser Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 2014
Sir Richard J. Roberts

I signed the Milan Declaration because climate change is real and the only way we can slow it down and mitigate its consequences are with the help of fundamental science and the outstanding scientists who are tackling this issue.

Sir Richard J. Roberts Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1993

Will science rise to meet global challenges? The future of mankind depends upon it. 

Gregg L. Semenza Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 2019
Joon Kim

When I was born, the Republic of Korea was the poorest nation on earth, ravaged by the aftermath of World War II and the Korean War. Today, I live in a country that ranks among the most advanced nations in the world. What has been the key to this extraordinary transformation over the past 60 years? Having witnessed these profound changes firsthand, I now have an answer: it was the vital role of science and education. For this reason, I am compelled to lend my support to this cause by signing the Declaration. I extend my sincere gratitude to all those who have supported this movement, including the Nobel Laureates.

“Why not change the world through this global initiative by signing the Milan Declaration?

Joon Kim FAOBMB President

I believe in the importance of unlocking human potential through science across all corners of the world. Many regions have immense talent but lack resources, and bridging this gap is key to achieving equity and empowerment for millions of people. Equitable scientific partnerships based on collaboration, diversity, and inclusivity can drive progress for all of humanity. Investing in global scientific capacity to address shared challenges ensures a sustainable and prosperous future. The Milan Declaration reflects a fundamental spirit that must be continuously emphasized as a guiding path for everyone.

José Sotelo PABMB Chairman

In an era before the internet connected us all, we, as scientists, embarked on journeys across the globe, exchanging knowledge, igniting our shared enthusiasm for science, and forging new friendships. Our collective mission was clear: to pave the way for a brighter future for humanity. Today, it is our duty to empower the next generation and reinforce society’s faith in the power of science. I warmly encourage you to sign the Milan Declaration and join the expanding community of supporters who recognize that now is the moment to open a public, inclusive, and global dialogue for the things that truly matter.

Miguel A. De La Rosa FEBS Secretary General


Scientists and citizens stand up for leveraging Science in solving global challenges. 

Unite with us in our dedication to fostering and enhancing Science as a cornerstone of global collaboration and strengthening civil society’s engagement and trust in Science.

The Mission of the Milan Declaration on the Crucial Role of Science in meeting Global Challenges is:

  • to emphasize the vital role of Science in addressing global challenges and fostering sustainable development through ethical, inclusive, and unbiased collaboration.
  • to unite scientists and citizens in harnessing Science’s transformative power to drive societal progress and build a more prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable future for all.
  • to inspire investments in scientific research, advocate for freedom of research and interdisciplinary innovation, and reaffirm core values such as peace, equity, and human dignity.
Sign the Declaration

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