For a general introduction to FEBS3+ Meetings, see the webpage Support for activities of FEBS Societies.


1. The FEBS3+ Meetings programme was established to support Scientific Meetings organized in collaboration by 3 (or more) FEBS Constituent Societies.

2. These events (a maximum of 2 per year) should be scientific meetings with symposia and colloquia corresponding to the format of an annual national scientific meeting of a Constituent Society.

3. The FEBS3+ meeting should not normally be scheduled to take place within the 4 weeks before or after the annual FEBS Congress.

4. The total FEBS support is currently €20,000 per event. A sum of €10,000 will be awarded to the host Society for general organization purposes to cover lecturers’ travel expenses, accommodation, congress venue renting, and so on. The second €10,000 has to be used for a 3+ travel award scheme to attract young scientists living outside the host country who are members of the 2 (or more) collaborating Societies. The financial arrangements and budget distribution need to be agreed in advance with the FEBS Treasurer and Congress Counsellor.

5. A FEBS3+ Meeting Programme shall be awarded only when the host organization is not already in receipt of FEBS funds to support the event and on the undertaking that no additional application for funds will be made to FEBS in the same year.

6. An application proposing the meeting including an outline scientific programme, the planned level of organizational involvement and delegate participation of the two (or more) other societies, and a preliminary budget should be sent to the FEBS Congress Counsellor.

7. The applications will be evaluated by members of FEBS Executive Committee and the decision declared to the applicants within 2 months of the deadline.

8. The title of events funded by the FEBS3+ Meeting programme should normally start with the designation ‘FEBS3+ Meeting:’ followed by the specific event title, and the FEBS logo should appear prominently on the meeting website’s homepage and printed program. The role of FEBS should made clear on the 3+ meeting event website which is that FEBS provides generous support for the 3+ meeting but FEBS is not the organizer (the event organization is the responsibility of the host society in accordance with these guidelines).

9. An update report and budget should be sent to the FEBS Congress Counsellor 6 months before the event. Within 3 months of the event a report on the meeting must be sent to the FEBS Congress Counsellor and a financial report sent to the FEBS Treasurer.

For queries, please contact the FEBS Congress Counsellor via the Contact section of the FEBS website.