The Sir Hans Krebs Lecture and Medal

The Sir Hans Krebs Lecture and MedalThe Sir Hans Krebs Lecture and Medal was endowed by a general gift from the Lord Rank Centre for Research and is awarded for outstanding achievements in biochemistry and molecular biology or related sciences. Sir Hans Krebs was a German-born British biochemist, well known for his work in identifying the urea cycle and citric acid cycle, and he played a key role in many ways during the early days of FEBS.

The awardee, who should be active in European research, presents one of the plenary lectures at the FEBS Congress. The awardee receives a silver medal, and is awarded travel and accommodation expenses for the Congress. It is customary for the awardee to contribute a review article related to the lecture topic for publication in The FEBS Journal.

In 2024, the Krebs medal was awarded to Alberto Mantovani (Humanitas University, Milano, Italy), who spoke on ‘Innate immunity and inflammation: from molecules to cancer and COVID-19’ at the 48th FEBS Congress.

The Datta Lecture and Medal

The Datta Lecture and MedalThe Datta Lecture and Medal is awarded for outstanding achievement in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology or a related area, and is normally given at each Congress of FEBS to one of the plenary lecturers. The lecturer should normally be from a FEBS country. The awardee receives a silver medal, and is awarded travel and accommodation expenses for the Congress. It is customary for the awardee to contribute a review article related to the lecture topic for publication in FEBS Letters.

S. Prakash Datta was the first Managing Editor of FEBS Letters (1968–1985) and Treasurer of FEBS (1964–1990). The Datta Lecture and Medal was initiated by capital gifts from Elsevier Science Publishers in recognition of his many contributions, and from 1986 to 2015 the medal was provided by Elsevier. From 2016, when the publishing partner for FEBS Letters changed, the award will be fully funded by FEBS.

In 2024, the Datta medal was awarded to Patrick Cramer (Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen, Germany), who delivered the lecture ‘Transcription of the genome: from molecular mechanism to cellular regulation’ at the 48th FEBS Congress.

The Theodor Bücher Lecture and Medal

The Theodor Bücher Lecture and MedalThe Theodor Bücher Lecture and Medal was endowed by a generous capital gift from Frau Ingrid Bücher to the Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie (GBM) and is awarded for outstanding achievements in biochemistry and molecular biology or related sciences. Theodor Bücher was a visionary German biochemist who played a key role in the early development of FEBS by arranging the acquisition of Biochemische Zeitschrift, which became the European Journal of Biochemistry and later FEBS Journal.

The awardee, who is normally expected to be active in European research, presents one of the plenary lectures at the FEBS Congress. The awardee receives a silver medal, and is awarded travel and accommodation expenses for the Congress. Following the Congress, it is customary for the awardee to contribute a review article related to the lecture topic for publication in The FEBS Journal.

In 2024, the Bücher medal was awarded to Venki Ramakrishnan (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK), who presented the lecture ‘Initiation of translation by the ribosome’ at the 48th FEBS Congress.