Have you explored the latest plans for the 48th FEBS Congress – ‘Mining biochemistry for human health and well-being’? It promises to be an exciting and enriching event in the 60th anniversary year of FEBS, and we hope you can be a part of it. Key features include:
- Outstanding plenary speakers, including four Nobel laureates, to inspire you and give you the bigger picture across the molecular life sciences
- Symposia for updates and learning on focused research areas, from key fundamental topics to biochemistry in health and diseases, environmental biochemistry, and biochemistry for human well-being
- Many talk opportunities available to abstract submitters, as well as poster presentations
- A range of topics and activities for additional interest, such as education, funding in translational research, and social activities with a biochemical perspective
- The wonderful city of Milano as the backdrop
Don’t miss the upcoming 8 March 2024 deadline for the early registration fee, abstract submission for consideration for oral presentations and for inclusion in the FEBS Open Bio Congress supplement, and FEBS bursary applications!
48th FEBS Congress website: https://2024.febscongress.org/