The FEBS Congress
The big picture across the molecular life sciences
Find a longer list of FEBS Congresses back to 1964 here.
Reports and photos from each recent FEBS Congress appear in the first issue of FEBS News after the event.
Congress abstracts
From 2018, Congress abstracts (except late-breaking abstracts) are published in supplements of FEBS Open Bio: click here for the supplement list.
Earlier Congress abstracts can be found in supplements of The FEBS Journal here.
2025: 49th FEBS Congress, Istanbul, Türkiye; 5–9 July 2025
2026: 50th FEBS Congress, Maastricht, the Netherlands; 4–8 July 2026
2027: the call for bids has closed.
Bids to host future FEBS Congresses are normally invited from FEBS Constituent Societies by the FEBS Secretary General approximately 3.5 years ahead of the event. For more information, including Congress guidelines, FEBS Constituent Societies can contact the FEBS Congress Counsellor through the Contact section of the website.